The personal views of a 'scientific racist'

May 9, 1997

For the past few months Chris Brand, lecturer in psychology at Edinbugh University and so-called "scientific racist", has included The THES on the list of recipients for his "TgF" newsletter (TgF being a reference to a "general intellectual ability factor" - a "g factor" that, Brand alleges, is lower in black than white people).

Last week Brand faced disciplinary proceedings at Edinburgh University following his newsletter defence of Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, Nobel prizewinner and convicted paedophile. (The tribunal has now been postponed for at least two weeks.) Last year publishers John Wiley pulled out of publishing his book, The g Factor, when the links it made between IQ and race caused a public outcry. Brand has argued that paedophile sex is harmless as long as the child is intelligent and consents and has claimed that sex abuse victims made up their claims to cash in on compensation. To the right are extracts from the TgF newsletter which offer glimpses of Brand's rather idiosyncratic world view, which he threads together with an argument about his right to free speech.


It is now almost a year since I hit trouble for my "racism", "sexism" and "eugenicism". In fact, The g Factor is concerned to advocate voluntary self-streaming in schools rather than repatriation of Jamaicans, clitoridectomy of pubescent girls, or mass castration/sterilisation of the mentally retarded. However ... I did offer advice to any utopians who sought more immediate human improvements than could be expected from the introduction of fast-track learning.

This advice was that girls who abjured contraception, fellatio and abstinence from alcohol would be best advised to find a high-IQ boyfriend. Such a young man might himself supply the necessary procreative restraint; or, if the high-IQ boy himself was reckless as to whether the girl became pregnant, at least he would be more likely to supply any resulting child with good genes and a good environment.

I also urge ... a lower age of consent so that girls will not be too frightened to seek contraception.


Under the present incoherent arrangements, putative grandparents should reflect whether their daughters might not be better off with a paedophile than with a bastard child by a spotty, Britoid, unemployable teenager at a comprehensive school.

Paedophilia Realism

Marking a new step in the West's move away from family life, the latest gay product on the market is a doll called Billy (launched at the New York International Gift Fair in March). With bulging biceps, leather gear, military boots and cap, a 14-inch penis and risky testicle descent, Billy does not remind me of the gentle, scholarly and tweed-clad paedophiles of the churches of my youth. Rather, he is plainly a representative of the high-machismo butch tendency among American homosexuals that was once so popular with Roehm and many other leading Nazis.

* Scotland has a mean IQ of 97 - as compared to 102 for London and the South-east of England. Galton, McDougall and Churchill were quite right to think that Lowland Scotland was once a hotbed of talent comparable only to Ancient Greece; but much of the talent disappeared to London after the Act of Union.

* "I am a paedophile - not a pederast, sodomite or serial killer" Carleton Gajdusek (74) (reprinted in the TgF newsletter)

* Why doesn't some journaist phone a few university psychologists, ask where they stand on race or IQ, and then, when they won't answer, write how scandalously little taxpayers get for their money from psychologists? The black-white IQ difference was well established by 19 - so psychologists have had "70" years to explain it. Yet the American Psychological Association's report on the IQ controversy was unable to draw any conclusion at all as to the involvement of either genetic or environmental factors in the B-W racial difference. What a discipline!

(Individual email sent to THES)

* I am glad to see that Richard Lynn's book, Dysgenics (Praeger) has received a warm reception from Thomas Jackson at American Renaissance. But let me address one little snag.

Plainly willing to sympathise with my advice to licence polygamy Jackson - like Lynn - mentions approvingly that many primitive societies still breed officially from their brightest and best. For example, a 1979 study of the Kung San tribe (Bushman) of the Kalahari desert found that 62 per cent of the men - the least successful hunters - had no children, whereas the most successful men had multiple wives and many children. However, the problem with this is: why then are the Bushmen still relatively primitive?

* The notion of paedophiles as right-wing thugs would not have occurred to choirboys of my generation.


* It is virtually inconceivable that a great university would put two fingers up to academic freedom by actually sacking me. More likely they will produce some form of finger-wagging as they did last year ... probably telling me not to criticise colleagues, students and the university in public without prior consultation with them...

* ...'false memory syndrome' is an overwhelmingly female affair and thus less likely to be a problem in male ex-delinquents.

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